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Please Vacate the Catacombs

PVtC is an isometric, turn-based RPG about protecting demonic employees from adventurers invading your office space. Play as a minor Demon who Satan has put in charge of guarding a series of catacombs that offer prime office space for working imps, undead, and aberrations. Adventurers will regularly delve into your workplace looking to murder your employees and loot infernal treasures. Take up arms against these pests, loot their corpses, and protect Satan and his capital.

Visual Design Document


This version of PVtC is designed as a playable tabletop prototype. These documents cover all of PVtC’s content, both digital and physical.

I wanted to reverse the idea of the typical “dungeon crawler” to tell it from the perspective of a minion. Setting the environment as a corporation was a fun play on idea of the “souless” corporate landscape.

Heroic adventurers have become the villians as they disrupt the productivity of Hell’s diligent workers. Making adventurers the bad guys and having the player become a sort of demonic corporate anti-hero satirically subverts expectations.

PVtC was developed in two weeks.

Game Design Document

Systems Document

Card games tend to have excellent flavor text, and I have always found a lot of joy reading them. I wanted to lean into the absurdist, humorous nature of PVtC and write fun card descriptions of my own.

All the art was drawn in Figma with my cursor.