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Boks is a puzzle-platformer where you control a box with adjustable arms. Each arm serves a unique, physics-based purpose, and only by using all of them will the player reach the end of a level. Due to it being a solo project, the design of the game was very iterative and emergent. Some mechanics were scrapped while others were refined. 

I designed each level as part of a five act structure inspired by Freytag’s Pyramid. Exposition served to teach the player the controls and other basic systems such as dying or getting stuck.

Some systems, such as checkpoints, were scrapped, while the functions of others, such a the breakable platforms, were altered for better game feel.

The shift to speed up mechanic was scrapped because I discovered during playtesting that players would not use it. I decided to streamline the controls and make them simpler by removing it.

Additionally, the shape of the final arm was changed from an acute angle to a longer, single arm. This change was done because implementing a longer single arm turned out to be easier to implement and offered more use than the original design.